Monday, March 11, 2013

COVER REVEAL for Red Flags #2

After being humiliated and having her heart broken, Cara vowed to never let love cloud her better judgments again. She knows the warning signs, she's seen the red flags, and she's now picking up the pieces and moving forward with her life.

Jason felt the effects of humiliation and heartbreak as well. He's realized the error of his ways and wants nothing more than to prove to Cara that he can be the man that she needs him to be.

Past secrets, family members, and new players threaten to keep the couple apart. Will a newly enlightened Cara be able to wade through the murky waters and find happiness with Jason, or will her heart and the outside forces keep the two apart?

Check out this awesome cover that Steph White over at Steph's Cover Design created! :)

Coming April 2013... Be sure to add to your Goodreads TBR! :)

1 comment:

  1. OMGEEE!! I love this cover and CAN NOT wait to read it!
